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Hakomi Breakfast Club

Start your week with slowing down and connect with your inner resources and a world wide community!

Hakomi Breakfast Club is an informal practice group in the Hakomi method hosted by Hakomi practitioners and advanced students (over 45 training days) in Team Hakomi Norway and Cascadia International.


Time: Every Monday at 8-9 am (CEST/CET, European central time)

Where: Zoom

Cost: By donation

​The donations goes to support the cost of Zoom accounts to host practice groups for Hakomi Norway and Hakomi Cascadia International

Register by writing your details here...

What is your experience with Hakomi?
I've done training/practice groups/other
I'm new to Hakomi
Would you like to register for the entire year (Spring/Summer/Fall semester)?
Only this semester (Spring 2025, January 13-June 23)
If joining in for the first time. Would you prefer to just observe?
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